Posts tagged with "Residential Window Cleaning"

20. July 2023
Automatic sprinklers can be great for your lawn when they are properly adjusted, but can cause damage to your windows. Over time, the water that is spraying on your windows is drying and leaving hard water deposits on your window. As the months and years go by, this buildup will "fog" your windows or hardwater deposits will be very visible. The good news is it can be remedied. The deposits can be removed by specialized chemicals that are for this, also try adjusting your sprinkler head.
Natural Light
29. November 2022
Why natural light is good for you. 1. Decreased energy cost - More light in the less lights to turn on. 2. Better Mood - There’s a strong correlation between spending more time in natural light and improving your mood. It combats depression, increase productivity, promote calmness and reduce anxiety. 3. Improved Health - Your body needs sunlight to produce vitamin D, which boost your immune system and keeps your brain functioning at its best. Get your windows cleaned and let the light shine!!!

09. June 2018
The Significance of Hard Water Dissolved minerals increase the hardness of water and reduce its effectiveness in cleaning. Magnesium and calcium are two minerals that reduce the foaming and cleaning effects of soap. Total dissolved solids (TDS) are organic and inorganic materials that exist in water. High levels of TDS cause spots and streaks to appear on glass. Softening the water involves removing these minerals, which increases the effectiveness of cleaning.